Zsh: command not found: pg_dump

$ zsh: command not found: pg_dump

This error message “zsh: command not found: pg_dump” occurs when the pg_dump command is not recognized or available in the system’s PATH. The pg_dump command is used to back up PostgreSQL databases, and this error suggests that it is either not installed or not accessible to the shell.

1. Missing PostgreSQL Installation

If PostgreSQL is not installed, you won’t have access to the pg_dump command. To resolve this, you need to install PostgreSQL on your system following the appropriate installation guide for your operating system.

2. Add PostgreSQL’s bin folder to PATH

In some cases, even with PostgreSQL installed, the shell may not recognize the pg_dump command if the PostgreSQL’s bin folder is not added to the PATH environment variable. To do this:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/postgresql/bin
$ pg_dump

Make sure to replace /path/to/postgresql/bin with the actual path where PostgreSQL is installed on your system. Adding this line to your shell configuration file (such as .bashrc or .zshrc) will make the change persistent and apply it every time you open a new shell session.

Once the pg_dump command is recognized by the shell, you can use it to perform backups of your PostgreSQL databases. Here’s an example of how to use pg_dump to create a backup file:

$ pg_dump -U username -d dbname -f backup_file.sql

In the above command, replace username with your PostgreSQL username, dbname with the name of the database you want to back up, and backup_file.sql with the desired name of the backup file.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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