Signingconfig “release” is missing required property “storefile”


The error message “signingconfig ‘release’ is missing required property ‘storefile'” is related to Android App signing configuration in the build.gradle file.

When building an Android app, you need to specify the signing configuration for the release build type. This includes a storeFile, storePassword, keyAlias, and keyPassword.

The error occurs when the storeFile property is missing in the release signing configuration or not properly defined.


In your build.gradle file, you should have a signingConfigs block which defines the signing configurations for different build types. For example:

            android {
                signingConfigs {
                    release {
                        storeFile file("path/to/your_keystore_file")
                        storePassword "your_keystore_password"
                        keyAlias "your_key_alias"
                        keyPassword "your_key_password"
                // ...

Make sure to replace path/to/your_keystore_file with the actual path to your keystore file, and provide the correct passwords and aliases.

By defining the release signing configuration in this way, you ensure that the necessary properties are properly set for the release build type.

Once the signing configuration is correctly defined, you should no longer encounter the error message “signingconfig ‘release’ is missing required property ‘storefile'”.

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