Flutter singlechildscrollview smooth scroll

Flutter SingleChildScrollView Smooth Scroll

To achieve smooth scrolling in a Flutter SingleChildScrollView, you can use the ScrollController class.
The ScrollController allows you to control the position of a Scrollable widget, including the SingleChildScrollView.
By manipulating the ScrollController’s offset property, you can scroll to a specific position or animate the scroll.


Let’s assume you have a SingleChildScrollView that needs smooth scrolling:

        controller: _scrollController,
        child: Column(
          children: [
            // Your content here

1. First, create an instance of ScrollController:

      ScrollController _scrollController = ScrollController();

2. Attach the ScrollController to the SingleChildScrollView’s controller property.

        controller: _scrollController,
        child: Column(
          children: [
            // Your content here

3. To smoothly scroll to a specific position, use the animateTo method of ScrollController.
This method will animate the scroll to the given offset over the specified duration.

        200,  // The offset to scroll to
        duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),  // The duration of the animation
        curve: Curves.easeInOut,  // The easing curve for the animation

In this example, the SingleChildScrollView will scroll to the position 200 pixels from the top of its content
over a duration of 500 milliseconds using the easeInOut easing curve.

You can trigger smooth scrolling in response to user actions or any other event in your app.
Just call the animateTo method with the desired offset, duration, and easing curve.

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