[Vuejs]-How can I add remote json data to prop?


So from this code, If you need to get the data from API on “Create” hook, there are three possible solutions,

  1. you should not define items as a prop but instead in data.


  1. If you really need items as a prop, you should make this API Call inside parent of this component and then pass the response data in items prop


  1. with this code, you can pass a method to the component and this component can emit that method with the new data. and that method in parent can update the items array. example is given below

    <this-component :items=”items” @apiResponse=”(newData) => items = newData” />

and inside this component

created() {
    axios.get(API_BASE_URL + '/novels').then(response => {
      this.novels = response.data.data
    this.$emit('apiResponse', this.novels)
    this.isLoading = false

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