[Vuejs]-Infinite loop with vue router beforeEach and children paths


Hmm at first glance I’d try to make this convoluted if in your beforeEach method simpler. Try to add something like requiresAuth: true to the meta of all your routes that require a logged in user.

In a sense you want something like this in your routes:

  // ...
    path: '/users/:userId(\\d+)/edit/',
    name: 'EditUser'
    props: true,
    meta: {
        requiresAuth: true, // <-- add this meta flag against which you check later in beforeEach
    component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "user-edit" */ '@/views/UserEdit.vue'),
  // ...

And this in your beforeEach:

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
    if (to.matched.some((record) => record.meta.requiresAuth)) { // <-- check for requiresAuth here
        // assuming your login mixin works
        // if I were you I'd store some JWT in localStorage and check that somehow in a vuex getter
        if (!LoginMixin.methods.loginMixinCheckAuth()) {
        } else {
    } else {

To answer this in full would be kinda bulky so go and check out how I did that using meta here and implemented a beforeEach rule here

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