[Vuejs]-Vue.js and OMDb pages with router


myComponent should check for the page number in the current $route query object:

<!-- myComponent template -->
    <p>Movie: {{ $route.params.moviename }}</p>
    <p>Page Number: {{ pageNum }}</p>
    <p>Result: {{ result }}</p>

export default {
  name: 'myComponent',
  data() {
    // Response from AJAX query stored here
    result: ''
  computed: {
    pageNum() {
      // Fallback to page 1 if no page query parameter in the current route
      return this.$route.query.page || '1'
  watch: {
    pageNum: {
      // Use an immediate watcher so that AJAX request made on created
      immediate: true,
      handler(newPage, oldPage) {
        // perform AJAX query here
        // Just some example code you would need to modify
        // based on you API calls and needs
        this.$axios.get('/some/url/here/' this.$route.params.moviename + '/' + newPage)
          .then(response => {
             this.result = response.data
          .catch(() => {
            this.result = 'Error'

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