computed: {
filteredProducts() {
return this.products.filter(x => x.name === this.loggedUser[0].text); // text or user, whichever field is for username
After that show the list in html use v-for
<p v-if="filteredProducts.length === 0">No products found</p>
<li v-for="(product, key) in filteredProducts" :key="key">Product: {{ product.description }}, Price {{ product.price }} <button @click="deleteProduct(key)">Delete</button></li>
add delete method
methods: {
// ...
deleteProduct(index) {
this.products.splice(index, 1);
I think this may work from you (given what you have provided above)
computed: {
filteredProducts () {
return this.products.filter(function (item) {
return (item.name === this.loggedUser[0].name)
Basically, we are filtering the products based on the name that is tagged on that list with the loggedUser
Hope this helps.