From researching this quite a bit, it seems that it is not possible to trigger transitions manually.
Transitions only seem to work on create/destroy, or with v-show.
To achieve what I want, I have just had to explicitly call the animation library without wrapping the animated element in a transition tag as shown in this codepen example.
<div id="app">
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
moved: false
methods: {
itemClick() {
let el = this.$el.querySelector('#moveMe')
if(this.moved) {
} else {
this.moved = !this.moved
moveRight(el) {
Velocity(el, {
left: '200px'
duration: 500
moveLeft(el) {
Velocity(el, {
left: '0px'
duration: 500
I cant validate how effective this solution will be, as I imagine this may leave the DOM and the Virtual DOM out of whack, depending on what you are trying to achieve.
I will leave this question open in case anyone else has a better solution then this.