[Vuejs]-How to add custom properties to a page in VueJS / Gridsome


Vue uses unidirectional data-flow. Hence there is no way to update data “from below”.

The workaround is to use named slots.

So your layout should look like

    <h1><slot name="author">Here is a default (fallback) content that would be replaced with content passed into slot. And it is optional.</slot></h1>
    <slot/> <!-- this is a default slot -->

And your page component should look like

    <template v-slot:author>author here</template>
    <h1>About us</h1>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Error doloremque omnis animi, eligendi magni a voluptatum, vitae, consequuntur rerum illum odit fugit assumenda rem dolores inventore iste reprehenderit maxime! Iusto.</p>


You could use the $emit function to achieve this.

Inside child component:

$emit('custom-event', 'my value')

Then in your parent you can listen for this event and catch the value.


And with a method:

methods: {
    myMethod (value) {

This should log ‘my value’

You can read more about custom events here:


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