You should use watcher on your vuex object.
Here is link to documentation https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/computed.html#Computed-vs-Watched-Property
Most probably your this.payment.details
is instantiated after your created
method was called.
Move your code from created
method to:
export default {
watch: {
payment: function (val) {
console.log('-------- this is this.payment.details:');
Yes it will gave you of undefined because in your props you declare only a payment object alone not like this one below.
payment : {
details: '',
etc: ''
But it will still works when you use this payment data in your component, it’s like it only gives you an error something like ‘calling details on null’ like that. I prefer to put condition first if payment has already data before you call in your component. Like below
<div v-if="payment.details">{{payment.details}}</div>