[Vuejs]-Console error because store variable used in template only gets populated after async API call


Since selectedPlan may not be available(or has null value) on the first render, you are facing that error. You have one of three ways to solve this issue:

  1. Add a loader and wait until selectedPlan is available (best way in my opinion from the UX perspective)
  2. Add a null check before accessing values like:
{{ (selectedPlan || {}).periodTitle }}

Or much better, use a computed property:

computed: {
  safeSelectedPlan: () => {
    return this.selectedPlan || {}

and then use safeSelectedPlan in your template.

  1. Use a library like lodash to get the values for variables safely.
    Here is the documentation link to lodash: https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15

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