[Vuejs]-Please tell me how to eliminate errors that are overwritten each time the prop is changed


(I removed all props/attributes unrelated to the question)

<v-navigation-drawer v-model="leftDrawer">

This is mutating the leftDrawer prop. Read the docs to learn what v-model actually does.

Try this, but I doubt it’ll work. It depends on how v-navigation-drawer implements v-model. Again, this is in the docs β€œv-model on custom components.”

<v-navigation-drawer :value="leftDrawer" @input="$emit('leftChange')">

Even if you look at the error, you don’t know what is causing it.

Depends on your vue experience.

EDIT: Mistake in my answer.

@input="$emit('input', $event)" should be @input="$emit('leftChange')".

Because the parent component main.vue is listening for v-on:leftChange="leftChange" on the LeftSidebar.

πŸ‘€Eric Guan


Try this below :

  <v-navigation-drawer app v-model="left_drawer" clipped class="yellow">

  export default {
    props: {
      leftDrawer: Boolean
        return {
              left_drawer : this.defaultSelected()
              return this.leftDrawer;

This is because you are mutating a prop directly, so in your child component, first define a variable for your prop and then assign a value to it using a method or a computed property.


I do think it is because of your v-model="leftDrawer" in LeftSidebar.vue.
v-model will update the value of the specified variable when it has been internally mutated in the v-navigation-drawer. In your situation, it will try to mutate the value of the passed leftDrawer prop. Hence, the error message.

The solution would be to assign (in LeftSidebar.vue) your leftDrawer prop in a data attribute and use this attribute with v-bind. If you need to communicate this change to your main.vue component, emit the event as you did in Header.

Personal opinion after some projects with this scenario, I find it easier to manage by saving these states in an app or ui vuex store.

Hope this will help


If the implementation of v-navigation-drawer allows it, the solution presented by @Eric Guan is the way to go


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