[Vuejs]-How do I use a click event to navigate to another page


Instead of location.reload(), you should be using window.location.href='path-to-form'


The router-link will redirect to the path :to="{name: 'signUp', params:{id:item.title}}" on click. You don’t need to add the button click event inside.

If you’re trying to navigate to the route singUp on clicking button, you can use

  <router-link :to="{name: 'signUp', params:{id:item.title}}" tag="button">
      Go {{ item.title }}


<b-button variant="primary" onClick="$router.push({name: 'signUp', params:{id:item.title}})" >Go {{ item.title }}</b-button>

Which will redirect you to the route with name signUp.


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