[Vuejs]-Vuetify app bar overflow hidden not working


You need to remove the overflow-hidden class from the v-card that wraps the v-app-bar and v-sheet. (You might just remove the v-card altogether)

I would guess the vuetify docs have this so the examples work on their own site.


This is happening for two reasons-

  1. Outer Scrollbar comes from html.
    • bcz your contents like- v-sheet, v-container exceed your screen height
  2. Inner Scrollbar is for v-sheet
    • bcz v-sheet’s max-height is 600px & It’s content container’s height is 1000px which overflows v-sheet’s height.

There is no fixed height of v-card, it’s flexible to it’s content. So,
don’t add overflow-hidden class to it. You should hidden in any of
html or v-sheet

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