‘rangeindex’ object is not callable

‘rangeindex’ object is not callable

The error message “‘rangeindex’ object is not callable” typically occurs in Python when you try to use parentheses () to call a function on an object that is not callable. In other words, you are trying to treat a non-function object as a function.


In Python, objects that can be called like functions are called callable objects. These objects include built-in functions, methods, and user-defined functions. However, many other objects are not callable, such as numbers, strings, and certain classes.

The error specifically mentions the ‘rangeindex’ object, which suggests that you are attempting to call a function or method named ‘rangeindex’ as if it were a function. However, the ‘rangeindex’ object is not designed to be called with parentheses, hence the error message.


To provide some examples, consider the following:

# Example 1 - Calling a non-callable object
rangeindex = 10
result = rangeindex()  # Raises 'TypeError: 'int' object is not callable'

In this example, ‘rangeindex’ is an integer object, which is not callable. Trying to call it with parentheses will raise a TypeError.

# Example 2 - Correct usage of a callable object
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = len(my_list)  # Correct usage of len() function

In this example, ‘my_list’ is a list object which has a length method that can be called. We can use the len() function to obtain the length of the list without encountering any errors.

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