Entity was modified, but it won’t be updated because the property is immutable.

When an entity is modified but not updated because the property is immutable, it means that the entity’s property value cannot be changed once it is set. This is often used to ensure data integrity or to prevent accidental modifications.

For example, let’s consider an entity called “Person” with properties such as name and date of birth. If the “name” property is marked as immutable, it means that once a person’s name is set, it cannot be changed in the future.

Suppose we have the following code:

class Person {
  constructor(name, dob) {
      this.name = name; // Immutable property
      this.dob = dob; // Mutable property
  updateName(newName) {
      this.name = newName; // Attempting to update an immutable property

const john = new Person("John Doe", "1990-01-01");
john.updateName("John Smith"); // This won't update the name property
console.log(john.name); // Output: "John Doe"

In the example above, the “name” property of the “john” object is marked as immutable. When we try to update the name using the “updateName” method, it won’t actually modify the “name” property. As a result, the output of the console.log statement will still be “John Doe”.

Immutable properties can be useful in scenarios where certain data should remain constant or when you want to ensure data consistency. By marking a property as immutable, you can prevent accidental modifications and maintain the integrity of the data.

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