Referenceerror: location is not defined

Error: ReferenceError: location is not defined

Description: The error message “ReferenceError: location is not defined” indicates that the code is trying to access the “location” object, but it is not defined or accessible in the current context. The “location” object is part of the Window object in the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM) and is mainly used to get information about the current URL.

Possible Causes and Solutions:

  1. Missing or Incorrect Script Context: The error can occur if the code is executed outside of a browser environment, such as in a Node.js runtime environment, where the “location” object is not available. Make sure the code is being run in a browser environment.
  2. Typo or Wrong Variable Name: Double-check the spelling and case of the “location” object in the code. It should always be referred to as “location” (lowercase) and not as “Location” or any other variation.
  3. Scope Issues: If you are trying to access the “location” object from within a function, ensure that the function is defined in a scope where the “location” object is accessible, such as within the global scope or within the scope of a browser event handler.
  4. Incorrect Reference: Verify that the code is correctly referencing the “location” object in the appropriate context. For example, accessing the “location” object directly should be done as “window.location”.


// Example 1: Incorrect Variable Name
var currentLocation = location.href; // ReferenceError: location is not defined

// Example 2: Correct Usage
var currentLocation = window.location.href; // Accesses the current URL

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