[Vuejs]-I have an error when building my nodejs app, the error is with vue-cli-service



I exported the output in a file so I could see it in a whole and I saw other errors:

> root@1.0.0 build /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu
> lerna run build

lerna notice cli v3.22.1
lerna info versioning independent
lerna info Executing command in 3 packages: "npm run build"
lerna info run Ran npm script 'build' in '@ozu/common' in 2.0s:

> @ozu/common@0.0.1 build /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/common
> npm run compile

> @ozu/common@0.0.1 compile /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/common
> tsc -p tsconfig.build.json

lerna info run Ran npm script 'build' in '@ozu/api' in 9.5s:

> @ozu/api@1.0.1 build /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/api
> npm run compile && npm run build:doc

> @ozu/api@1.0.1 compile /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/api
> tsc -p tsconfig.build.json

> @ozu/api@1.0.1 build:doc /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/api
> apidoc -i src/ -o doc

{"level":"warn","message":"Please create an apidoc.json configuration file."}
{"level":"warn","message":"parser plugin 'apiparamexemple' not found in block: 0"}
{"level":"warn","message":"parser plugin 'apiparamexemple' not found in block: 11"}
{"level":"warn","message":"parser plugin 'apiparamexemple' not found in block: 2"}
lerna ERR! npm run build exited 1 in '@ozu/ui'
lerna ERR! npm run build stdout:

> @ozu/ui@1.2.3 build /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui
> vue-cli-service build

Starting type checking service...
Using 1 worker with 2048MB memory limit
 ERROR  Failed to compile with 12 errors2:27:37 PM

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/partials/EditEventText/editEventText.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/partials/EditEventText/editEventText.ts
24:84 Property 'event' is used before its initialization.
    22 |   @Prop() event: EventModel
    23 |   private error: any = {}
  > 24 |   private newText: EventTextModel = {name: '', value: '', position: 1, event: this.event}
       |                                                                                    ^
    25 |   private createTextMode: boolean = false
    26 |   private currentText: EventTextModel
    27 | 

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/bulletins.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/bulletins.store.ts
120:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    118 |       }
    119 |     } catch (e) {
  > 120 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
        |                                           ^
    121 |       return null
    122 |     }
    123 | 

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts
42:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    40 |       }
    41 |     } catch (e) {
  > 42 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
       |                                           ^
    43 |       return null
    44 |     }
    45 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts
58:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    56 |       }
    57 |     } catch (e) {
  > 58 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
       |                                           ^
    59 |       return null
    60 |     }
    61 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts
74:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    72 |       }
    73 |     } catch (e) {
  > 74 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
       |                                           ^
    75 |       return null
    76 |     }
    77 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts
91:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    89 |       }
    90 |     } catch (e) {
  > 91 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
       |                                           ^
    92 |       return null
    93 |     }
    94 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts
108:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    106 |       }
    107 |     } catch (e) {
  > 108 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
        |                                           ^
    109 |       return null
    110 |     }
    111 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts
125:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    123 |       }
    124 |     } catch (e) {
  > 125 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
        |                                           ^
    126 |       return null
    127 |     }
    128 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts
142:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    140 |       }
    141 |     } catch (e) {
  > 142 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
        |                                           ^
    143 |       return null
    144 |     }
    145 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/bulletins/exports.store.ts
161:43 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    159 |       }
    160 |     } catch (e) {
  > 161 |       this.context.commit('_ApiError', (e.message))
        |                                           ^
    162 |       return null
    163 |     }
    164 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/users.store.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/stores/users.store.ts
70:20 Property 'message' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
    68 |       return {
    69 |         success: false,
  > 70 |         message: e.message
       |                    ^
    71 |       } as ResponseObject
    72 |     }
    73 |   }

 error  in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/views/Bulletin/bulletin.ts

ERROR in /home/dev/Dropbox/CS/projects/ozu/packages/ui/src/views/Bulletin/bulletin.ts
9:23 Cannot find module 'http' or its corresponding type declarations.
     7 | import DeleteDialog from '../../partials/DeleteDialog'
     8 | import { liveApiUrl, liveTestApiUrl, newLiveApiUrl, newLiveTestApiUrl } from '../../conf'
  >  9 | import * as http from 'http'
       |                       ^
    10 | 
    11 | @WithRender
    12 | @Component({

lerna ERR! npm run build stderr:
-  Building for production...
DEPRECATION WARNING: Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.

Recommendation: math.div($border-radius-root, 2) or calc($border-radius-root / 2)

More info and automated migrator: https://sass-lang.com/d/slash-div

14 β”‚     'sm': $border-radius-root / 2,
   β”‚           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I understood that there was an error with some packages, I updated typescript and vuetify and clean everything and rebuild and it worked.


Sometimes with Node, you have to use the heavy artillery! You have not given enough details for me to understand this issue so I’m just listing here the lazy-debugger-universal megatool:

> yarn (or npm) cache clean --force
> rm -rf ./node_modules
> rm -f yarn-lock.json (and/or package-lock.json and every other lock files)
> yarn (or npm) install

Let’s know whether the above commands solve anything. But I’d prefer you tell us what was the real issue though when you find it…

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