Error running ‘__rvm_make -j12’,

      error running '__rvm_make -j12':
      This error usually occurs when trying to install a gem using RVM (Ruby Version Manager). The '__rvm_make -j12' command is used by RVM to compile and make the gem.

      There are a few possible reasons for this error:

      1. Missing dependencies: The gem you are trying to install might have dependencies that are not installed on your system. Make sure to install all the required dependencies before installing the gem.

          If you are trying to install the nokogiri gem, it requires libxml2 and libxslt. So, you need to install these dependencies first before installing nokogiri.

            sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxslt

      2. Compiler issues: The error could be caused by issues with the compiler. Check if your system has the required compiler installed and set as the default compiler.

          If you are using macOS, you can check your default compiler by running the following command:

            xcode-select --print-path

      3. RVM issues: The error could be related to RVM itself. Try updating RVM to the latest version and also make sure you have the correct Ruby version installed.

          To update RVM, run the following command:

            rvm get stable

          To install a specific Ruby version, run:

            rvm install ruby-x.x.x

      4. Disk space issues: Check if you have enough disk space available on your system. Insufficient disk space can cause issues during the compilation process.

      Overall, it's important to carefully read the error message and identify the specific cause of the error. Then, you can take the necessary steps to resolve it, whether it's installing missing dependencies, updating RVM, or fixing compiler issues.

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