The problem that you don’t even use the reactivity of the props. My bet computed
could suit you:
const props = defineProps({
data: {
type: Array,
required: true,
const dataTableStore = computed(() => ({
// why these props? we have only props.data as declared in defineProps()
orderAll: props.orderAll,
searchAll: props.searchAll,
// not sure about that, you can't have multiple slots with the same name I guess
// needs investigation
columns: slots.default().map(s => {
return {
title: s.props.title,
prop: s.props.prop ?? s.props.title,
order: s.props.order ?? false,
search: s.props.search ?? false,
searchType: s.props['search-type'] ?? 'text',
searchOptions: s.props['search-options'] ?? []