[Vuejs]-Vue 2 v-for not working after loading json with axios


See the homepage for axios. Under the "Response Schema" section they provide what a response looks like. Specifically for data, it’s

  // `data` is the response that was provided by the server
  data: {}

  < ... omitted for brevity ... >

Please check again what your backend is returning or is supposed to return. Log the whole response you get.
The this.drivers = response.data.data; seems to be incorrect, however the this.drivers = response.data; should work.

You didn’t say which version of axios you are using or show your configuration so I’m using the following for an example:
axios = ^0.21.1
vue-axios = ^3.2.4

Replaced "name" with "title" to match the response format below:

    "title": "delectus aut autem",

      < ... omitted for brevity ... >

loadDrivers: function(){
          (response) => {
            this.drivers = response.data; // <<-- works and many task titles are shown on page
            // this.drivers = response.data.data; // <<-- DOES NOT WORK LIKE FOR YOU, blank page
  // console.log(this.drivers);

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