Flutter release apk showing white screen


If your Flutter release APK is showing a white screen, there could be several possible reasons for this issue. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the problem:

  1. Check if the Flutter build is successful: Ensure that the release build of your Flutter app is built successfully by running the following command in the terminal:
  2. flutter build apk --release

    This command will generate a release APK file in the `build/app/outputs/apk/release` directory of your Flutter project.

  3. Check the Flutter logs: Run your release APK on a device or emulator and open the terminal. Try running the following command to see if any error logs are displayed:
  4. flutter logs

    This command will display any error or debug logs related to your Flutter app. Look for any error messages that might indicate the cause of the white screen issue.

  5. Verify assets are included: Ensure that all required assets (images, fonts, etc.) are included in your release build. Check your `pubspec.yaml` file and verify that the correct paths for assets are specified. Then, ensure that the assets are included correctly in your Flutter release APK by extracting the APK and checking the asset files.
  6. Check for missing or incorrect dependencies: Sometimes, a white screen issue can occur due to missing or incorrect dependencies in your Flutter project. Review your `pubspec.yaml` file and verify that all dependencies are correct and up to date. Additionally, check for any packages that might be causing conflicts with each other.
  7. Test on multiple devices and emulators: Test your release APK on multiple devices and emulators to see if the white screen issue persists across different platforms. This can help determine if the issue is device-specific or not.
  8. Consider using Flutter’s debug mode: If the white screen issue only occurs in the release APK, but not in the debug build, you might want to try enabling the debug mode in your release APK. This can help provide additional information about the cause of the issue.

By following these steps and examining the logs and configurations of your Flutter project, you should be able to track down the cause of the white screen issue in your release APK and resolve it accordingly.

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