[Vuejs]-Reactive Dexie-Query in Vue


EDIT: Here’s a sample I tried to create out of my limited vue knowledge

You need to npm install dexie@next and import { liveQuery } from "dexie".

This new feature was introduced a year ago and allow you to turn an async function into an observable as long as it only queries your database.

It’s described in these release notes: https://github.com/dfahlander/Dexie.js/releases/tag/v3.1.0-alpha.1

And on the following blog: https://medium.com/dexie-js/awesome-react-integration-coming-f212c2273d05

So, there’s both ‘liveQuery’ and ‘useLiveQuery’. The former is the framework agnostic one, included in dexie library itself and the latter just a some react sugar on top of it.

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