As already mentioned you don’t need an array here if you only update one Patient
public function updatePatientPayment($id, Request $request)
// 1. Get the patient you want to update
// Do not wrap $id in [] if you only need to find one entity
$patient = Patient::find($id);
// 2. Change the value of the patient
// Do not use update when you assign the value to the model
$patient->advance += $request->pay;
// 3. Save the change
// 4. Respond
return response()->json(['successfully updated']);
Alternatively, you can also use update if you want to, but be aware that your advance
field must be defined as fillable to do so.
public function updatePatientPayment($id, Request $request)
// 1. Get the patient you want to update
// Do not wrap $id in [] if you only need to find one entity
$patient = Patient::find($id);
// 2. Update directly
$patient->update(['advance' => $patient->advance + $request->pay]);
// 3. Respond
return response()->json(['successfully updated']);
will already save your change.
In your code $advance
is not defined. You cannot access the existing column as you did.