Error component name “navbar” should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names

The error message “component name ‘navbar’ should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names” suggests that the component name “navbar” should be written using multiple words in order to follow the naming convention for Vue.js component names.

In Vue.js, it is a recommended practice to use multi-word component names to avoid potential conflicts with existing or future HTML elements, as well as to improve code readability and maintainability.

To resolve this error, you need to change the component name “navbar” to a name that consists of multiple words. You can do this by either using a hyphen-separated naming convention, or by using PascalCase (also known as camel case) where each word starts with an uppercase letter.

Let’s consider an example to demonstrate the correct way of naming a component. Suppose we have a component that represents a navbar. Instead of naming the component as “navbar”, we can use the name “app-navbar” or “AppNavbar” to follow the multi-word naming convention.

      // Incorrect
      Vue.component('navbar', {
        // component definition

      // Correct - using hyphen-separated naming convention
      Vue.component('app-navbar', {
        // component definition

      // Correct - using PascalCase naming convention
      Vue.component('AppNavbar', {
        // component definition

By using a multi-word component name, you can avoid potential conflicts and make your code more organized and understandable.

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