Discarding message for event 0 because of too many unprocessed messages


The error message “discarding message for event 0 because of too many unprocessed messages” typically occurs when an event is triggered and there are already a large number of unprocessed messages waiting to be handled. This message indicates that the system has decided to discard the newly arrived message in order to prevent an overwhelming backlog.


Let’s consider a scenario where an online marketplace handles user events. These events can include actions like adding items to the cart, placing an order, or updating account details. Each event triggers a message that needs to be processed by the system.

Now, imagine that there is a sudden surge in user activity, causing a huge influx of events to the system. The system, however, can only handle a certain number of messages at a time. If the number of unprocessed messages reaches a certain threshold, the system may decide to discard any new messages until it has caught up with the backlog.

For instance, let’s say the system can handle a maximum of 100 unprocessed messages simultaneously. If there are already 100 unprocessed messages and a new event, event 0, arrives, the system may discard it due to the excess workload. This avoids the system from becoming overwhelmed and potentially crashing.

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