Date.locale is not a function antd


The error message “date.locale is not a function” indicates that the method locale() is being called on a variable named date, but it is not a function.

The “date” variable is likely expected to be a date object that has a locale method, but it seems that it does not.

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the “date” variable is indeed a date object before calling the locale() function on it.

Here’s an example of using the Ant Design library’s DatePicker component, which provides a date object with a locale method:

    // Import the necessary modules
    import { DatePicker } from 'antd';
    import moment from 'moment';
    import 'antd/dist/antd.css';

    // Define a function to handle the change of selected date
    const handleDateChange = (date) => {
      // Ensure that the "date" variable is a date object
      if (typeof date.locale === 'function') {
        // Call the locale() method on the date object
        const localizedDate = date.locale('en');
        console.log(localizedDate.format('LL')); // Output: "March 10, 2022"

    // Render the DatePicker component with the onChange callback
    const MyDatePicker = () => {
      return (
        <DatePicker onChange={handleDateChange} />

    // Render the MyDatePicker component
    ReactDOM.render(<MyDatePicker />, document.getElementById('root'));

In this example, the Ant Design DatePicker component is imported and rendered. When a date is selected, the handleDateChange function is called with the selected date object.

Inside the handleDateChange function, the typeof operator is used to check if the date object has the locale method. If it does, the locale() method is called with the desired locale (in this case, ‘en’ for English) and the formatted date is logged to the console.

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