Currency rates source not ready

Query: Currency rates source not ready

When the currency rates source is not ready, it means that the system or service you are using to retrieve the latest currency rates is currently unavailable or experiencing issues.

In such situations, it is crucial to handle this error gracefully to prevent disruption to your application or website. Here is a potential approach to handle the currency rates source not being ready:

  1. Show a fallback message: Display a message to the users indicating that the currency rates are temporarily unavailable. This helps manage their expectations and informs them that the issue is being addressed.
  2. Retry mechanism: Implement a retry mechanism that periodically checks if the currency rates source is available again. You can define a specific interval at which the service will attempt to connect to the rates source and retrieve the data. Once the service is up and running, the currency rates can be updated accordingly.
  3. Cache the previous rates: If the currency rates were successfully retrieved before the source became unavailable, consider caching the previously fetched rates. This ensures that users can still see the most recent rates until the source is ready again. However, note that the rates might not reflect real-time fluctuations.
  4. Alert or notification: If the currency rates source is expected to be down for an extended period, consider sending an alert or notification to the users and relevant stakeholders, informing them about the issue and the estimated time for resolution.


  <h2>Currency Converter</h2>
  <p>We apologize for the inconvenience. The currency rates are currently not available. Please try again later.</p>
  <p>Meanwhile, you can still convert currencies using our last retrieved rates from the cache.</p>

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