You could not use v-model on h4 tag.You could try to create another computed property which contains the expression you need and show it on view.Below sample move remaininginst
from data
to computed
as a computed property.
remain : $ {{ remaininginst }}
export default {
data() {
return {
instPrice: "",
instOne: "",
computed: {
totPaid() {
let installments = this.Flats.payment.installment_payment.installments;
let paidInstallments = installments.filter(obj => obj.is_paid == true);
let totalPaid = paidInstallments.reduce((sum, obj) => sum + parseInt(obj.amount), 0);
return totalPaid;
remaininginst() {
return (
Number(this.instPrice) - (Number(this.totPaid) + Number(this.instOne))
);//return any string you want
methods: {
PostPayment() {