Component name “modal” should always be multi-word

HTML Content without body, h1, and html tags:

The HTML content below demonstrates the structure of a div without any body, h1, and html tags. It shows an example of a multi-word component name “modal”.

        <div class="modal">
          <h3>This is a Modal</h3>
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean aliquam urna eget blandit sodales.</p>

In the given example, the outer div acts as a wrapper or container for the modal component. Inside the parent div, there is a child div with the class “modal”. This child div represents the modal component.

The modal component contains an h3 element for the modal title and a paragraph element for the modal content. Additionally, there is a button element to close the modal.

The use of the “modal” class on the child div helps define the styling and behavior associated with this specific component.

Note: The absence of a body, h1, and html tags in the provided HTML content within a div is purely for the purpose of explaining the example. In actual HTML documents, these tags should be present for semantic correctness.

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