Cannot find protocol declaration for ‘nativevibrationspec’


A “protocol declaration” error typically occurs when the specified protocol is not recognized or is missing. In the case of the error message “cannot find protocol declaration for ‘nativevibrationspec'”, it means that the ‘nativevibrationspec’ protocol is not defined or imported in the appropriate context.

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the ‘nativevibrationspec’ protocol is properly defined or imported in your code. Here’s an example of how you can define and use a protocol in Swift programming language:

      // Define a protocol named 'NativeVibrationSpec'
      protocol NativeVibrationSpec {
          func vibrate()
      // Implement the protocol in a class or struct
      struct NativeVibration: NativeVibrationSpec {
          func vibrate() {
              // Perform vibration
              // ...
      // Use the protocol in your code
      func triggerVibration(vibration: NativeVibrationSpec) {
      let nativeVibration = NativeVibration()
      triggerVibration(vibration: nativeVibration)

In this example, we define a protocol named ‘NativeVibrationSpec’ with a single function requirement called ‘vibrate()’. Then, we implement the protocol in a struct named ‘NativeVibration’. Finally, we use the protocol in the ‘triggerVibration’ function to trigger the vibration by calling the ‘vibrate()’ method on any instance that conforms to the ‘NativeVibrationSpec’ protocol.

Make sure to adapt this example to your specific code and check for any missing imports or declarations related to the ‘nativevibrationspec’ protocol in your project.


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