Cannot create a dbset for ‘identityuser’ because this type is not included in the model for the context.

When encountering the error message “cannot create a DbSet for ‘IdentityUser’ because this type is not included in the model for the context,” it pertains to an issue with Entity Framework. This error commonly occurs when working with the ASP.NET Identity framework, especially during database migrations or when attempting to add a new migration.

The error message indicates that the ‘IdentityUser’ type is not included in the current Entity Framework model for the context. ‘IdentityUser’ is the default user entity provided by the ASP.NET Identity framework, and it serves as the base entity for user management in applications. The ‘IdentityUser’ type should be included in the model to perform operations such as creating, updating, or deleting users.

To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have properly configured the ASP.NET Identity framework in your application. This typically involves adding the necessary packages and configuring the user authentication system.
  2. Confirm that the ‘IdentityUser’ type is defined in your application. If you have customized the user entity, ensure that it inherits from ‘IdentityUser’.
  3. Check your ‘DbContext’ class and confirm that it is correctly configured. Make sure that it inherits from ‘IdentityDbContext’ and includes the necessary ‘DbSet’ properties for user management.
  4. If you have recently made changes to your user entity or the ‘DbContext’ class, you may need to generate a new migration to update the database schema. Run the following command in the Package Manager Console:
    Add-Migration YourMigrationName
  5. After successful migration creation, apply the migration to update the database schema:

Here is an example of a ‘DbContext’ class that includes a ‘DbSet’ for ‘IdentityUser’:

public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext
    public ApplicationDbContext(DbContextOptions options)
        : base(options)

    public DbSet Users { get; set; }

Make sure to adjust the ‘IdentityUser’ type and the ‘DbSet’ property according to your custom user entity if applicable.

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