Call to undefined function assets()

Error Message:

“Call to undefined function assets()”


This error typically occurs when the PHP code tries to call a function called “assets()” that is not defined or does not exist.


To resolve the error, you need to make sure that the “assets()” function is defined and properly included in your PHP code. Here are a few steps you can follow:

  1. Check if the “assets()” function is declared or defined in any of your PHP files. Look for a function definition like:
    function assets() {
        // function body
  2. If you find the function definition, make sure that it is properly included and accessible in the file where you encountered the error. You can include the file using the “require” or “include” statements, depending on your requirements. For example:
    require_once 'path/to/functions.php';
  3. If the “assets()” function is supposed to be a part of a third-party library or framework, ensure that the library or framework is properly installed and configured. Follow the documentation or guidelines provided by the library or framework to include and use the function correctly.
  4. If the “assets()” function is a custom function created by you, verify that it is defined in a file that is included in the PHP execution flow. You may also double-check if any typos or syntax errors exist in the function definition.

Once you have resolved the issue and made the “assets()” function accessible, the error should no longer occur.

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