At least 2 parameter(s) provided but only 1 parameter(s) present in query.

When the query is requesting for at least 2 parameters but only 1 parameter is provided, this indicates that the query is missing one or more necessary parameters to execute the task correctly. In order to resolve this issue, it is necessary to provide all the required parameters as specified by the query.

Let’s consider an example to better understand this scenario. Say we have a query that requires two parameters: name and age. The purpose of this query is to search for a person’s information based on their name and age. If the query is executed with only the name parameter provided, and the age parameter is missing, we will encounter the error message: “at least 2 parameter(s) provided but only 1 parameter(s) present in query.”

To resolve this error, the missing parameter must be supplied. In this case, we need to include the age parameter along with the name parameter in the query. For example:

      GET /search?name=John&age=30

In the above example, we provided both the name and age parameters in the query. This ensures that the query has the necessary parameters to execute successfully and fetch the relevant information.

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