[Vuejs]-Vue.js emit, pass array to child,map the array in child and emit event to parent, developer tool shows array is updated but the page not updated


can you try this instead of this.drinks[index] = "Sold Out" :

this.drinks = this.drinks.map((k,idx)=> idx === index ? 'Sold Out' : k)


Arrays are not reactive the way objects are in Vue.js. While just assigning a new value to an objects attribute just like that

someObject.x = 'some value'

it’s not the same for an array and its elements. Just to clarify – yes, you can modify any index of an array but this won’t trigger a re-render in Vue.js because of its reactivity system. If you modify an array by its index you’ve to take care about re-rendering the component yourself.

However, there’s still hope. If you want Vue.js’s reactivity system to take care about re-renders (even for Arrays) you’ve to use Vue.$set as stated in the docs.

So for your example it should be like this.

this.$set(this.drinks, index, 'Sold Out');

This will not only update the array but also toggle your expected re-render.

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