[Vuejs]-Vue: Extract CSS – Didn't get a result from child compiler


In fact, you do not need to manually import mini-css-extract-plugin in the nuxt project, it has built-in a extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin.

Using extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin under the hood, all your CSS will be extracted into separate files, usually one per component. This allows caching your CSS and JavaScript separately and is worth a try in case you have a lot of global or shared CSS.

You only need to configure the build properties in the nuxt.config.js file.

You may want to extract all your CSS to a single file. There is a workaround for this:

export default {
 build: {
   extractCSS: true,
   optimization: {
     splitChunks: {
       cacheGroups: {
         styles: {
           name: 'styles',
           test: /\.(css|vue)$/,
           chunks: 'all',
           enforce: true

WARNING: It is not recommended extracting everything into a single file. Extracting into multiple css files is better for caching and preload isolation. It can also improve page performance by downloading and resolving only those resources that are needed.

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