Error: No Factory Registered
A factory is responsible for creating instances of a certain class or object. When an instance is needed, the factory registered for that particular ID is used to create it. However, in this case, there is no factory registered for the given ID.
Here is an example to demonstrate this error:
// Define a factory
class CarFactory {
createInstance() {
return new Car();
// Register the factory for an ID
const factoryId = 'carFactory';
const carFactory = new CarFactory();
registerFactory(factoryId, carFactory);
// Request an instance using an unregistered ID
const unregisteredFactoryId = 'bikeFactory';
const instance = getInstance(unregisteredFactoryId);
// The error will be thrown here, as no factory is registered for `bikeFactory`
To resolve this error, you need to ensure that a factory is registered for the correct ID before requesting an instance. Additionally, make sure the factory follows the expected implementation, such as having a method to create instances.