[vue warn]: component is missing template or render function.

When encountering the warning message “vue warn: component is missing template or render function”, it means that a Vue component does not have a template or a render function defined.

In Vue.js, every component needs to have either a template or a render function to define its HTML structure. Without a template or render function, Vue cannot create the necessary DOM elements for the component.

Here’s an example to illustrate this issue:

          This is my component's content.
      export default {
        // No template or render function defined

In the above example, the component is missing a template or a render function. To fix this, you need to provide either a template or a render function.

Option 1: Defining a template:

          This is my component's content.
      export default {
        // Template defined
        template: '<div>This is my component\'s content.</div>'

Option 2: Defining a render function:

      export default {
        // Render function defined
        render(createElement) {
          return createElement('div', 'This is my component\'s content.');

In both options, the component now has a template or a render function defined, which resolves the “vue warn: component is missing template or render function” warning.

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