I tried to solve your problem. To do this I modified and in some places simplified your code to keep only what was close to the SaveNewIgredient() function. So here is my code.
Parent Component (for me App.vue):
<AddItemsForm @addIngredient="SaveNewIgredient" />
import AddItemsForm from "./AddItemsForm"; //Child Component
export default {
name: "App",
components: { AddItemsForm },
data() {
return {
article: {
igredients: [], //List to add/edit item at AddItemsForm child component
editedIgredient: {
//Item to use for editing or adding new item to article.igredients
title: "",
subIgredients: [],
defaultItem: {
//Item used for resetting editedIgredient item
title: "",
subIgredients: [],
methods: {
SaveNewIgredient(newItem) {
console.log("Received: ", newItem);
this.editedIgredient = newItem;
this.article.igredients.push({ ...this.editedIgredient });
console.log("defaultClear: ", this.defaultItem);
console.log("infoItem: ", this.editedIgredient);
this.editedIgredient = this.defaultItem;
console.log("defaultClear: ", this.defaultItem);
console.log("editedWillClear: ", this.editedIgredient);
console.log("listFinal: ", this.article.igredients);
Child Component (for me AddItemsForm.vue):
<input v-model="newIgredient" placeholder="New Igredient" />
<button @click="addNewIgredient">ADD</button>
<button color="primary" @click="AddIngredients">Save</button>
export default {
props: {
IngredientsItem: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {
title: "",
subIgredients: [],
data() {
return {
newIgredient: "",
title: "TEST",
titleNbr: 0,
resetIgredient: false,
computed: {
newIngredientsItem() {
return this.IngredientsItem;
methods: {
addNewIgredient() {
if (this.resetIgredient === true) {
this.newIngredientsItem.subIgredients = [];
this.newIgredient = "";
this.resetIgredient = false;
console.log("ADD: ", this.newIngredientsItem.subIgredients);
AddIngredients() {
this.newIngredientsItem.title = this.title + this.titleNbr;
console.log("EMIT: ", this.newIngredientsItem);
this.$emit("addIngredient", this.newIngredientsItem);
this.resetIgredient = true;
- [Vuejs]-Highlighting search string in returned results
- [Vuejs]-Cannot trigger function when clicking logo