[Vuejs]-How can I map array in vue.js


This looks like a good use case for arrays and loops.

  1. Instead of an object, put your sample text into an array, and iterate that with a for-loop.

  2. Update scrambleText() call to pass the array index instead of the object key previously used for your object:

const texts = reactive([ // 1️⃣

onMounted(() => {
  for (let i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) { // 1️⃣
      duration: 1000,
      easing: 'linear',
      loop: true,
      update: scrambleText(texts[i], i), // 2️⃣
  1. In your template, use a v-for to iterate the texts array:
  <li v-for="text in texts">{{ text }}</li>



You can put all your texts in an array and iterate over it like so:

   <li v-for="text in texts" :key="text">{{ text }}</li>

Key given with the condition that all of your texts are unique.

And follow up with changing the functions in the onMounted to do something like:

texts.forEach((text, index) => {
        targets: ".main",
        duration: 1000,
        easing: "linear",
        loop: true,
        update: scrambleText(text, index),

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