The error you have is a network error, saying either you dont have internet connection or the endpoint is unreachable.
Are you trying to connect to a valid endpoint?
You can set up your endpoint in axios like that:
export const apiParams = {
timeout: 20000,
withCredentials: true
const api = axios.create(apiParams)
After exporting you can easily use
api.post('db.php', { data });
Basically the unhandled promise rejection is about to saying that axios.post is a promise, and if it is rejected you should handle its error.
Try to put axios.post in a try catch block and you can use ES6 async/await like that:
methods: {
async fetchAllData() {
try {
await axios.post('db.php', {
action: 'fetchall'
app.allData = response.data
} catch (error) {
or you can use the old fashion way error handling with catch, but I don’t recommend to use it, if you have a chain of promises, is better to use async/await as the example above.
methods: {
fetchAllData() {
.post('db.php', {
action: 'fetchall'
.then(function(response) {
app.allData = response.data
.catch(err => {
Read about promise handling with then/catch
Async await:
Until you resolve the network error, the promise rejection should be gone, but you will have a handled error on your console log.
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