Thanks to @marsnebulasoup and his comment, I realized I couldn’t reproduce the issue using any prebuilt code sandboxes with vuex configured so it must have to do with my specific configuration. I was able to work it out by uninstalling and reinstalling vuetify. After I did that everything worked, but it created a new vuetify plugin file. Once I pointed it back to the configuration I was using previously, it broke again. I realized that the configuration I was using was using this import
import Vuetify from "vuetify/lib/framework"
But the default configuration from vuetify was using
import Vuetify from "vuetify"
Once I changed the custom import to match the default import everything worked again. I am using a template that had vuetify built in so I didn’t immediately notice the configuration difference, having never installed vuetify on my own before. I still don’t know why that makes a difference, but it does.