Flutter navigator pop 2 screens


Flutter Navigator Pop 2 Screens

In Flutter, you can use the Navigator class to navigate between different screens or routes in your application. The pop method in Navigator is used to remove one screen from the stack and return to the previous screen.

To pop two screens at once, you can use the popUntil method of Navigator and provide a RoutePredicate that matches the screen you want to eventually pop back to. Here’s an example:

Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);

In this example, we are popping until we reach the first route, which is usually the home screen or the initial route of your app. This will effectively remove the last two screens from the stack and take you back to the home screen.

Let’s consider a scenario where you have three screens: Screen A, Screen B, and Screen C. You are currently on Screen C and you want to go back to Screen A by popping both Screen B and Screen C. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => ScreenA()),
  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => ScreenB()),
  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => ScreenC()),
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);

This code snippet demonstrates the navigation flow. Each Navigator.push call pushes a new screen onto the stack, and finally, popUntil is used to pop back to the first screen.

Feel free to replace ScreenA, ScreenB, and ScreenC with the actual names of the screens in your Flutter application.


In Flutter, the `Navigator` class is responsible for managing the navigation stack, which represents the hierarchy of screens or routes in your application. The stack operates as a last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure, meaning the most recently added screen is at the top of the stack.

To pop two screens at once, we can use the `popUntil` method of `Navigator`. This method takes a `RoutePredicate` as an argument, which is a callback function that determines whether a particular route should be popped or not.

In our case, the `RoutePredicate` checks if a given route is the first route in the stack. By using `popUntil` with this predicate, we are effectively popping all the routes on top of the first route, which results in going back to the initial screen or home screen.

The provided HTML snippet includes a brief explanation and an example code demonstrating how to achieve this behavior. The code snippets use the `push` method of `Navigator` to demonstrate adding screens to the stack and the final `popUntil` call to remove the last two screens and go back to the first screen.

You can replace the placeholders `ScreenA`, `ScreenB`, and `ScreenC` with the actual names of your screens in the `MaterialPageRoute` builders to adapt the code to your Flutter application.

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