No service for type ‘microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc.viewfeatures.itempdatadictionaryfactory’ has been registered.

The error message “No service for type ‘Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ITempDataDictionaryFactory’ has been registered.” typically occurs in ASP.NET Core applications when the required service dependency is not properly registered in the DI (Dependency Injection) container.

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the necessary services are registered during application startup. This can be done in two ways – either through explicit service registration or using framework conventions.

1. Explicit Service Registration:

      // In Startup.cs file
      public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
          services.AddSingleton<ITempDataDictionaryFactory, TempDataDictionaryFactory>();
          // Add more required services if any

Here, we explicitly register the ‘ITempDataDictionaryFactory’ service as a singleton using the ‘AddSingleton’ method. You can add other required services using the appropriate method (e.g., ‘AddScoped’, ‘AddTransient’, etc.) based on your application’s needs.

2. Framework Convention:

      // In Startup.cs file
      public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
          // Add more required services if any

If you’re using the ‘AddMvc()’ method or similar, the ‘AddControllersAsServices()’ method can be used to register controllers and their dependencies in the DI container.

Note: The above examples assume you’re working with ASP.NET Core MVC. Adjust the code accordingly if you have a different setup.

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