The `` component is used in HTML to define a link between the current document and an external resource. It is commonly used to include CSS stylesheets or additional scripts.
To resolve this error, ensure that the `href` prop of the `` component is set to a valid string or object. Here are a few examples:
Example 1:
<link href="/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
In this example, the `href` prop is set to the string “/styles.css”, which represents the path to the external CSS file.
Example 2:
<link href={{ pathname: '/styles.css' }} rel="stylesheet" />
In this example, the `href` prop is set to an object that contains a `pathname` property. This can be useful when using a routing library like React Router, where the `pathname` represents the route to the external CSS file.
By providing a valid value for the `href` prop, you should be able to resolve the error and render the `` component without any issues.