[Vuejs]-Vuejs Component Not Rendering though registered


<span v-if="hero in chosen-heroes.chosenHeroes">โœ” &nbsp;</span>

Here is the chosen referenced during render but not defined on the instance.
I guess you want to check if this particular hero is part of this list

data() {
return {
  heroes: [
    { name: "Superman" },
    { name: "Batman" },
    { name: "Aquaman" },
    { name: "Wonder Woman" },
    { name: "Green Lantern" },
    { name: "Martian Manhunter" },
    { name: "Flash" }
  newName: "",
  isEdit: false,
  heroToModify: null

You can write any javascript expression in the v-if so you can try:

<span v-if="heroes.map(heroObject => heroObject.name).includes(hero.name)">โœ” &nbsp;</span>

I used the Array.map() function here so you can keep your list with objects. You could remove it if you write directly the names in the array.

The best would probably be to use a computed property here to make it more reusable and take this long expression out of the v-if:

isInList(heroName) {
  return this.heroes.map(heroObject => heroObject.name).includes(heroName);


<span v-if="isInList(hero.name)">โœ” &nbsp;</span>

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