Initialize the i18n config as follows :
const messages = {
en: {
options: []
es: {
options: []
const i18n = new VueI18n({
locale: 'en',
Then in the mounted hook add the options via ajax call by looping through the available languages :
['en', 'es'].forEach(lng => {
$.getJSON("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/javierpose/pruebas/master/my-" + lng + ".json", function(json) {
vm.options = json;
i18n.setLocaleMessage(lng, {
options: json
finally bind the select options
prop $t('options')
The following example illustrates your case using radio buttons to change languages :
const messages = {
en: {
options: []
es: {
options: []
const i18n = new VueI18n({
locale: 'en',
Vue.component('treeselect', VueTreeselect.Treeselect)
var tree = new Vue({
data: {
value: null,
clearOnSelect: true,
closeOnSelect: true,
selectAll: true,
options: [],
lang: 'en'
methods: {
normalizer: function(node) {
return {
id: node.id,
label: node.label,
children: node.children,
mounted() {
let vm = this;
['en', 'es'].forEach(lng => {
$.getJSON("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/javierpose/pruebas/master/my-" + lng + ".json", function(json) {
vm.options = json;
i18n.setLocaleMessage(lng, {
options: json
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@riophae/vue-treeselect@^0.4.0/dist/vue-treeselect.umd.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@riophae/vue-treeselect@^0.4.0/dist/vue-treeselect.min.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-i18n/dist/vue-i18n.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<input type="radio" id="en" value="en" v-model="$i18n.locale">
<label for="en">English</label>
<input type="radio" id="es" value="es" v-model="$i18n.locale">
<label for="es">Spanish</label>
<span>Language : {{ lang }}</span>
<treeselect v-model="value" :multiple="true" :options="$t('options')" :clear-on-select="clearOnSelect" placeholder="placeholder english" noResultsText="Retry?">
<label slot="option-label" slot-scope="{ node, shouldShowCount, count, labelClassName, countClassName }" :class="labelClassName">
{{ node.label }}
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