[Vuejs]-Send a vue component PROPS from .ejs file


Assuming you are passing obj as context to the view, then you need to wrap the variable in <%= %> tags:

<people-view componentName="Something" :componentValue="<%= obj.value %>"/>


the problem was that ejs can’t parse camel case component name, the solution is to change “componentName” to “componentname”

<people-view componentname="Something" />


You can also use

v-bind:data_one="<%= string_data %>"
v-bind:data_two="<%= JSON.stringify(JSON_data) %>">

You can use the first binding if you send string_data as a stringified JS Object or you can use the second one to just stringify it as you receive it from the backend route.

The reason is v-bind needs a string value to pass to the component. I used this in a recent project.

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