[Vuejs]-How to get data with form post method and navigate to next route with axios and vue js


Add a prop to Search-Category-Listing

export default {
    name: 'Search-Category-Listing',
    props: ['listing']
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            searchlistingcategory: {
                filter: []
            urllisting: 'http://localhost:8000/upload/logo-default.png',

and send the data when pushing to the route.

this.$router.push({name: 'searchlistingcategory', params: {listing: response.data.listings } }})

You also need to change your route definition so params are pushed as props to the component

 path: '/listings/search/filter',
 name: 'searchlistingcategory',
 component: SearchListingCategory,    
 props: true

Note that when using props: true a route can only be navigated to using name and not by using path.

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