[Vuejs]-Vue.js with Rollup.js renders html comment instead of Vue html


This was a two part issue:

  1. nunjucks render was initially resolving {{ property }} and erasing it completely. To get around this I changed the variable syntax of nunjucks:
        envOptions: {
          tags: {
            variableStart: '{#',
            variableEnd: '#}'
  1. import of Vue will by default load the runtime-only module because it is declared in the modules portion of vue/package.json, and according to the installation docs:

If you need to compile templates on the client (e.g. passing a string
to the template option, or mounting to an element using its in-DOM
HTML as the template), you will need the compiler and thus the full

Therefore my import ended up looking like: import Vue from 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js'


you dont need to change all the tags, just use {% raw %} tag, for example:

{% raw %}
{% endraw %}

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